

RGB Cube  v.1. 1. 2001

This software displays the RGB cube transformation in different color spaces (RGB, XYZ, xyY, I1I2I3, UVW, LSLM, L*a*b*, L*u*v*, LHC, HSV, HSV Polar, CMY, HSI, HSI Polar, LHS, YUV, YIQ).

ColorSpace  v.1. 1. 2001

ColorSpace and RGBCube are made freely available to promote knowledge of color. ColorSpace and RGBCube are 'research-grade' rather than commercial-quality softwares; they are used in color science teaching.


Asiva Selection  v.2.2

The Asiva Selection Plug-In for Adobe Photoshop is similar to the Select->Color Range tool.

SimScape Mirage 4000 for FS2004  v.

Mirage 4000 for FS2004 is a flight simulator and is very useful for those who are passionate about flight.

XPanel  v.4.0.2

Designing your aircraft instrument panel is one of the most exciting and daunting tasks in the build process. Initial exuberance can quickly fade given the overwhelming prospect of balancing form, function, time, budget and ability.

ITrain  v.1.5.3

iTrain is a easy-to-use solution to control your model railroad with your computer. iTrain offers an easy-to-use solution to control your model railroad with your computer(s),

ImLab  v.2.3.4

A Free Experimental System for Image Processing. ImLab is a free open source graphical software for Scientific Image Processing that runs in Windows, Linux and many other UNIX systems. It supports multiple windows,

Tools4Aviator  v.

Tools4Aviator est un logiciel complémentaire aux classiques outils GPS de navigation qui équipent pratiquement tous les avions.

En Route  v.

En Route is an airport directory and navigational aid for pilots. Information on nearly 20,000 US airports can be accessed from your phone's local storage so you can get information while you're on the ground or while you're in the air.

FlipBook Creator Themes Pack -Vampire  v.1.0

Free FlipBook Creator (Pro) Themes Pack- Vampire (Professional Shopping Catalog theme templates) Silk fabric is renowned Chinese and foreign.

FlipBook Creator Themes Pack -Silk  v.1.0

Free FlipBook Creator (Pro) Themes Pack- Silk (Professional Shopping Catalog theme templates) Silk fabric is renowned Chinese and foreign.

ITrain for Mac OS X  v.2.1.3

iTrain offers an easy to use solution to control your model railroad with your computer(s), especially if you want to automate only parts of your layout and keep control of the rest yourself.

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